If you want miracles, don't look for the daime The Supreme Miracle for daime is you wash your plate after eating.
If you just want to heal your physical body, don't look for the First, he will heal the evils of his mind: ignorance, cholera and wild desires.
If you want to get a job or improve your financial situation, don't look for You will be proud, for he will tell you about detachment from material goods. Do not confuse, however, detachment with resignation.
If you want supernatural powers, don't look for daime. For Daime, the greatest supernatural power is triumph over his selfishness.
If you want to triumph over your enemies, don't look for the For Daime, the only triumph that counts is the human being over himself.
If you want eternal life in a paradise of delights, do not seek the daime, for he will kill your ego here and now.
If you want to massage your ego with power, Fame, praise and other advantages, don't look for the The Queen's house is not the home of ego inflation.
If you want someone to forgive your flaws, leaving you free to wrong again, do not seek the daime, for he will teach you the ruthless law of cause and effect and the need for conscious and deep self-criticism
If you want easy and easy answers to your existential questions, don't look for daime. He will increase your questions.
If you want a blind belief, don't look for daime. He will teach you to think with your own head.
If you are one of those who think the truth is in the scriptures, do not look for He will tell you that the intellect is unable to give some answers.
If you want to know the future, don't look for the He will tell you to pay attention to your feet while you walk.
If you want to hear beautiful words, don't look for daime He only has the silence of concentration to offer him.
If you want to be serious and disciplined, don't look for daime He will teach you how to play and have fun.
If you want to play and have fun, don't look for daime He will teach you to be serious and disciplined.
If you want to live, don't look for daime, for he will teach you to
Die and be reborn every day.
(adaptation for daime, made by the editorial of godmother superci, of the original text of Buddhist sister Yvonete Silva Gonçalves / shakuni jokovdo, temple higashi hongan reva. The Universal of the text made us change the word " Buddhism " for the word " daime ".