Archangel Michael
No caminho cristão, encontrar com o demônio (seja ele da forma que você o conceba: ilusão, a sombra, ódio, vingança, dominação, inveja, luxúria, perversão, calúnia, acusações e julgamentos injustos, críticas destrutivas, corrupção, egoísmo, crimes hediondos, roubos, violência, guerra, vícios, degradação moral, etc.) faz parte do caminho. Quanto mais vamos expandindo a consciência, mais vamos percebendo a atuação demoníaca e trevosa no mundo e nas pessoas.
Diariamente convivemos com o pânico que parece levar a humanidade para um beco sem saída. É ai que entra a fé :
“Ainda que eu caminhe por um vale de sombras, não temerei mal algum, pois estás junto a mim; teu bastão e teu cajado me consolam.”
Para combater o mal, a violência, as guerras, o medo, a tristeza, o desespero e a falta de fé temos Arcanjo Miguel
Há uma lenda que conta que, quando deus fez o homem à sua imagem e semelhança, Lúcifer não gostou, poruqe o homem seria destinado a ser maior do que os anjos e sua moradia a Terra, reino de Lúcifer. Este anjo, cujo nome signifa “ Portador da Luz” revoltou-se contra Deus, cheio de soberba e orgulho, optando por tornar-se adversário do homem (e de Deus), sendo banido com os outros que tomaram seu partido.
O demônio, ou o que chamamos de mal é pois, o adversário maior do homem. No apocalipse:
Então aconteceu a batalha no Céu: Miguel e seus Anjos guerrearam contra o Dragão. O Dragão batalhou juntamente com seus Anjos, mas foi derrotado, e no céu não houve mais lugar para eles. Esse grande dragão é a antiga serpente, o chamado Diabo ou Satanás. É aquele que seduz todos os habitantes da Terra e os anjos do Dragão foram expulsos com ele.
Essas sombras sugerem o mal com argumentações inteligentes. É pelo Espírito Santo que recebemos critérios de discernimento e com eles nos orientamos para Cristo, evitando desvios, ilusões, fascinações e paradas desnecessárias.As táticas empregadas pelos demônios são individuais, pois cada pessoa é diferente da outra. Seus esforços se concentram na deturpação dos caminhos das virtudes.
Quem é fiel nas coisas mínimas é fiel nas grandes também e quem é desonesto nas mínimas coisas é desonesto também nas maiores (Jesus Cristo).
As suas principais flechas para os humanos são: Ódio, medo, traição, tristeza, desesperança, inveja, sedução, soberba, confusão, desespero….
São Miguel Arcanjo, por ter lutado contra Lúcifer e seus anjos maus, expulsando-os do céu, é o Arcanjo que intercede por aqueles que são, na Terra, vítimas das ações demoníacas.
A imagem deste anjo guerreiro, quando projetada no interior do nosso ser, pode ajudar a nos libertar das trevas. Orando e meditando, podemos invocar a presença luminosa de Miguel para dominarmos e transformarmos o mal que nos aflige. Mas para tanto é necessário ter fé..
Os demônios existem, mas é necessária a consciência de que a maioria deles são criados e alimentados pelas nossas dúvidas e medos. Se procurarmos o caminho da luz com devoção e fé, nada temos a temer porque Deus nos envia protetores para termos firmeza durante a jornada.
Invocando a força redentora de São Miguel, teremos sua armadura para nos protegermos das flechas infernais de ódio, medo e inveja. Com sua espada de amor poderemos subjugar todo o mal que queira habitar o nosso interior. A escuridão se dissipa e transforma-se em luz divina.
O príncipe das Milícias Celestes é um escudeiro fiel do nossos sonhos de pureza. Nos ensina a lutar na batalha espiritual empunhando armas de amor, devoção e humildade.
Palavras do Padrinho Alfredo:
Não adianta expulsar o demônio de volta ao inferno. São as nossas atitudes cristãs de misericórdia, perdão, verdade, justiça e lealdade que podem nos libertar de todo o mal.
Portanto, a prática espiritual exige disciplina constante. Onde a luz brilha não há espaço para as trevas.Invocar São Miguel significa que optamos por uma vida misericordioso em que respeitamos todos os seres, indiferente da cor, raça ou religião.
O Arcanjo Miguel é a luz que nos fará fortes para enfrentarmos a batalha contra as injustiças e medos que se abateram como peste contra uma humanidade que luta para reencontrar o caminho para Deus ao final de mais um milênio. São Miguel é a esperança do nascimento de uma Nova Era em que o homem se reencontrará com sua essência divina e gerará os melhores frutos de amor, paz e tranqüilidade.
– Primeiro no capítulo 12 do livro de Daniel, onde lemos: “Ao final dos tempos aparecerá Miguel, o grande Príncipe que defende os filhos do povo de Deus. E então os mortos ressuscitarão. Os que fizeram o bem, para a Vida Eterna, e os que fizeram o mal, para o horror eterno”.
De acordo com as passagens da Bíblia, são funções de São Miguel:
Lutar contra Satanás.
Resgatar as almas dos fiéis do poder do inimigo, especialmente na hora da morte.
Ser o campeão do povo de Deus, dos Judeus na Antiga Lei e dos Cristãos no Novo Testamento; assim, é patrono da Igreja e das ordem de cavalheiros da Idade Média.
Levar da terra as almas dos homens para o julgamento (Mas que o vosso porta-bandeira São Miguel as leva à santa luz, do ofertório da missa de defuntos.).
A São Miguel atribuem-se três funções:
A de guiar e conduzir as almas ao céu, depois de tê-las pesado na balança da justiça divina;
De defender a Igreja e o povo cristão;
Presidir o Céu
"In the Northern hemisphere, Archangel Michael presides over the autumn equinox, which occurs on September 22.
On this day, the sun inaugurates a new cycle as it enters Libra. Fruit and nuts fall from the trees and decompose, leaving their empty husks on the ground; grains are sorted and consumed or stored in granaries before being sown to ensure a new cycle of growth.
But this process of decomposition and sorting is not something that concerns only the world of plants; it also concerns human beings. Just as the fruit is separated from the tree and the seed from the fruit, so is the soul separated from the body, spiritually if not physically. The body is the envelope, the wrapping, and the soul is the seed that is planted above, in the soil of heaven.
Man is a fruit, and when he is ripe, he must not fall to the ground like the fruits and seeds of the earth, but soar away to heaven. Autumn is the season for that separation of which Hermes Trismegistus speaks: ‘You shall separate the subtle from the gross, gently and with great skill.
To separate the subtle from the gross is to separate the spiritual from the material, and the whole of nature undergoes this process of separation in autumn, in preparation for the coming of new life."
"Michaelmas is fabulously rich in meaning for those who understand that it can bring them total liberation.
Death, the separation from the physical body, is an ascension to a higher plane. The soul is carried away by St-Michael and weighed in his scales. His sword severs the ties which hold it to the earth, then the soul is weighed, judged and sent to the sphere that corresponds to its degree of evolution.
Archangel Michael holds sway over the forces of balance and justice and, consequently, over the forces that enable us to distinguish between good and evil in order to free the good and transform the evil. But good and evil are so closely intertwined they cannot be separated prematurely without causing some damage.
The art of separating opposites is the most difficult of all arts, and throughout the ages initiates have turned to nature for guidance.
We have to wait until then to separate good from evil, and that separation will be the work of Archangel Michael."
On this day, the sun inaugurates a new cycle as it enters Libra. Fruit and nuts fall from the trees and decompose, leaving their empty husks on the ground; grains are sorted and consumed or stored in granaries before being sown to ensure a new cycle of growth.
But this process of decomposition and sorting is not something that concerns only the world of plants; it also concerns human beings. Just as the fruit is separated from the tree and the seed from the fruit, so is the soul separated from the body, spiritually if not physically. The body is the envelope, the wrapping, and the soul is the seed that is planted above, in the soil of heaven.
Man is a fruit, and when he is ripe, he must not fall to the ground like the fruits and seeds of the earth, but soar away to heaven. Autumn is the season for that separation of which Hermes Trismegistus speaks: ‘You shall separate the subtle from the gross, gently and with great skill.
To separate the subtle from the gross is to separate the spiritual from the material, and the whole of nature undergoes this process of separation in autumn, in preparation for the coming of new life."
"Michaelmas is fabulously rich in meaning for those who understand that it can bring them total liberation.
Death, the separation from the physical body, is an ascension to a higher plane. The soul is carried away by St-Michael and weighed in his scales. His sword severs the ties which hold it to the earth, then the soul is weighed, judged and sent to the sphere that corresponds to its degree of evolution.
Archangel Michael holds sway over the forces of balance and justice and, consequently, over the forces that enable us to distinguish between good and evil in order to free the good and transform the evil. But good and evil are so closely intertwined they cannot be separated prematurely without causing some damage.
The art of separating opposites is the most difficult of all arts, and throughout the ages initiates have turned to nature for guidance.
We have to wait until then to separate good from evil, and that separation will be the work of Archangel Michael."
Spiritual cleansing of 21 days - Archangel Michael
This is a psychography of the Archangel Michael, received by the medium Greg Mize.
It should be read for 21 days, at whatever time it’s best for you. This process cleanses all the spiritual limitations, known and unknown, spiritual weapons, parasites form the mind and from the emotional body, stuck entities, shape-thoughts of all kinds (including curses, incantations, magics and spells) and the vows and agreements that keep these devices inside you. This healing triggers a cleansing cycle of 21 days that will bring new openings of many forms to your life. In the first or second week, strange dreams may occur. It can also happen that you don’t have any dreams, having a very deep processing work. In any case, don’t worry, both are normal. Be especially attentive to the way your own perceptions of the world may change. There will be a feeling of calmness and clarity, bringing a new sense of purpose and meaning to life. Life will improve in all areas:Start the cleansing of everything that is connecting externally to suffering!
“I appeal to Christ to calm my fears and to erase (delete) every mechanism of external control that may interfere with this healing. I ask my Higher Self to close my aura and to establish a Christic channel for the purposes of my healing, so that only the Christic energies may flow unto me. It may not be made use of this channel for anything but the flow of Divine energies”.
"I now appeal to the Archangel Michael, of the 13th Dimension, to seal and protect completely this sacred experience. I now appeal to the Circle of Security of the 13th Dimension to seal, protect and enhance (increase) completely the shield of Michael Archangel, so that it will remove anything that is not of a christic nature and that may be inside this field presently. I now appeal to the Ascended Masters and to our christic assistants, to remove and dissolve completely, each and every implant and its sown energies, parasites, spiritual weapons and self-imposed devices of limitation, the known ones as much as the unknown. Once that’s completed, I appeal for the complete restoration and repair of the original energy field, infused with the golden energy of the Christ".
I AM free! I AM free! I AM free! I AM free! I AM free! I AM free! I AM free!
“I, the being known as __________(state your name) in this particular incarnation, by this means revoke and renounce each and every commitment of fidelity, vows, agreements and/or contracts of association which no longer serve for my higher benefit, in this life, past lives, simultaneous lives, in all dimensions, periods of time and places. I now order all entities (who are linked to these contracts, organizations and associations which I now renounce) to cease and give up and to abandon my energy field now and for ever and in a retroactive way, taking their gimmicks, devices and sown energies. To ensure this, I now appeal to the Sacred Spirit Shekinah to witness the dissolution of all the contracts, devices and sown energies which doesn’t honour God. This includes all alliances and beings that do not honour God as Supreme. Besides, I ask the Holy Spirit to “testify” this complete liberation of everything which infringes on God’s will. I declare this forward and retroactively. And so be it”.
“I am now again guaranteeing my alliance with God through the domain of the Christ and dedicating my whole being, my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being to the vibration of the Christ, from this moment on and retroactively. Furthermore still, I dedicate my life, my work, everything I think, say and do and everything in my environment that still serves me, to the vibration of Christ as well. Besides, I dedicate my being to my own expertise and to the way of the ascension, of the planet, as much as my own. Having declared all this I now authorize the Christ and my own Higher Self to make changes in my life so to accommodate this new dedication and I ask the Holy Spirit to testify this also. I now declare this to God. May it be written in the Book of Life. So be it. Thanks to God”.
“To the Universe and the whole Mind of God and to each being in It contained, to all places where I may have been, experiences that may have joined and to all beings who need this healing, be them know or unknown by me: anything that may stand between us, I now heal and forgive. I now appeal to the Holy Spirit Shekinah, to Lord Metraton, Lord Maitreya and Saint Germain to help and testify this healing. I forgive you for everything that needs to be forgiven between you (plural) and me. The most important, I forgive myself for everything that needs to be forgiven between former incarnations and my Higher Self”.
"We are now collectively healed and forgiven, healed and forgiven, healed and forgiven. We are all now elevated to our Christic beings. We are full of and surrounded by the golden Light of Christ. We are free from all vibrations of the 3rd and 4th dimensions of pain, fear and anger. All psychological cords and ties united to those entities, implanted devices, contracts or sown energies, are now liberated and healed. I now appeal to Saint Germain to transmute and rectify with the Violet Flame all my energies that were taken, and to return them to me in its purified state”.
“Once this energies came back to me, I ask that these channels through which my energy was being drained to be completely dissolved. I ask Lord Metatron to free us from the prisons of duality. I ask for the seal of the Domain of Christ to be placed over me. I ask the Holy Spirit to testify that this is fulfilled. And so it is”.
“I now ask the Christ to be with me and heal my wounds and scars. I also ask the Archangel Michael to mark me with His seal, that I may be protected forever from the influences which stops me from doing our Creator’s will”.
“And so be it! I give thanks to God, to the Ascended Masters, to the Ashtar Sheran Command, to the Angels and Archangels and all others who are taking part in this healing and continual elevation of my being. Selah. Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of the Universe. Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebaioth”.
"I now appeal to the Archangel Michael, of the 13th Dimension, to seal and protect completely this sacred experience. I now appeal to the Circle of Security of the 13th Dimension to seal, protect and enhance (increase) completely the shield of Michael Archangel, so that it will remove anything that is not of a christic nature and that may be inside this field presently. I now appeal to the Ascended Masters and to our christic assistants, to remove and dissolve completely, each and every implant and its sown energies, parasites, spiritual weapons and self-imposed devices of limitation, the known ones as much as the unknown. Once that’s completed, I appeal for the complete restoration and repair of the original energy field, infused with the golden energy of the Christ".
I AM free! I AM free! I AM free! I AM free! I AM free! I AM free! I AM free!
“I, the being known as __________(state your name) in this particular incarnation, by this means revoke and renounce each and every commitment of fidelity, vows, agreements and/or contracts of association which no longer serve for my higher benefit, in this life, past lives, simultaneous lives, in all dimensions, periods of time and places. I now order all entities (who are linked to these contracts, organizations and associations which I now renounce) to cease and give up and to abandon my energy field now and for ever and in a retroactive way, taking their gimmicks, devices and sown energies. To ensure this, I now appeal to the Sacred Spirit Shekinah to witness the dissolution of all the contracts, devices and sown energies which doesn’t honour God. This includes all alliances and beings that do not honour God as Supreme. Besides, I ask the Holy Spirit to “testify” this complete liberation of everything which infringes on God’s will. I declare this forward and retroactively. And so be it”.
“I am now again guaranteeing my alliance with God through the domain of the Christ and dedicating my whole being, my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being to the vibration of the Christ, from this moment on and retroactively. Furthermore still, I dedicate my life, my work, everything I think, say and do and everything in my environment that still serves me, to the vibration of Christ as well. Besides, I dedicate my being to my own expertise and to the way of the ascension, of the planet, as much as my own. Having declared all this I now authorize the Christ and my own Higher Self to make changes in my life so to accommodate this new dedication and I ask the Holy Spirit to testify this also. I now declare this to God. May it be written in the Book of Life. So be it. Thanks to God”.
“To the Universe and the whole Mind of God and to each being in It contained, to all places where I may have been, experiences that may have joined and to all beings who need this healing, be them know or unknown by me: anything that may stand between us, I now heal and forgive. I now appeal to the Holy Spirit Shekinah, to Lord Metraton, Lord Maitreya and Saint Germain to help and testify this healing. I forgive you for everything that needs to be forgiven between you (plural) and me. The most important, I forgive myself for everything that needs to be forgiven between former incarnations and my Higher Self”.
"We are now collectively healed and forgiven, healed and forgiven, healed and forgiven. We are all now elevated to our Christic beings. We are full of and surrounded by the golden Light of Christ. We are free from all vibrations of the 3rd and 4th dimensions of pain, fear and anger. All psychological cords and ties united to those entities, implanted devices, contracts or sown energies, are now liberated and healed. I now appeal to Saint Germain to transmute and rectify with the Violet Flame all my energies that were taken, and to return them to me in its purified state”.
“Once this energies came back to me, I ask that these channels through which my energy was being drained to be completely dissolved. I ask Lord Metatron to free us from the prisons of duality. I ask for the seal of the Domain of Christ to be placed over me. I ask the Holy Spirit to testify that this is fulfilled. And so it is”.
“I now ask the Christ to be with me and heal my wounds and scars. I also ask the Archangel Michael to mark me with His seal, that I may be protected forever from the influences which stops me from doing our Creator’s will”.
“And so be it! I give thanks to God, to the Ascended Masters, to the Ashtar Sheran Command, to the Angels and Archangels and all others who are taking part in this healing and continual elevation of my being. Selah. Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of the Universe. Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebaioth”.